3rd Ludwig Wittgenstein Summer School
3th – 6th August 2011
Kirchberg am Wechsel / Lower Austria
Ludwig Wittgenstein: On Certainty
Peter HACKER (Oxford)
Joachim SCHULTE (Zurich)
Scientific Organization: Volker MUNZ (Klagenfurt, ALWS)
Maximum number of participants: 40
Application deadline (registration and payment): 01 April 2011
Information concerning acceptance/non-acceptance: 30 April 2011 (Full reimbursement in case of non-acceptance)
Date of arrival: 2 August 2011
Required qualifications: The summer school is addressed to advanced university students in philosophy. Elementary knowledge of Wittgenstein’s philosophy is desirable. Applicants are asked to send a performance record and a 3-page preparatory essay on one or several remarks taken from On Certainty.
Further details concerning preparation (reading list), programme, etc. will be announced.
Teaching language: English