Crisis and Critique: Philosophical Analysis and Current Events
Kirchberg am Wechsel, 4 – 10 of August 2019
Here is the list of invited speakers and the title of their lectures.
Scientific Organizers
Anne Siegetsleitner, Andreas Oberprantacher, Marie-Luisa Frick (Innsbruck)
1. Wittgenstein
2. Challenges to Philosophical Critique in Politics, Economy, and Law
3. Challenges to Philosophical Critique in Culture and Society
4. Philosophical Critique and Questions of Social Identity
5. Science and Critique
6. Philosophical Concepts of Critique
Workshop: Workshop “Ethics of Ecology”,
Organization: Lukas Meyer (Graz)
Invited Speakers
Richard Amesbury (Tempe, Arizona, USA)
Unpopular Sovereignties: Citizenship, Philosophy and Political Authority
Maria Baghramian (Dublin, Ireland)
The Question of Value in Science
Dieter Birnbacher (Düsseldorf, Germany)
What is biodiversity and why should we feel obliged to protect it?
Christine Bratu (Munich, Germany)
Idiots and Assholes: What we (should) criticize when we criticize sexist action
Eyja M. Brynjarsdóttir (Reykjavík, Iceland)
Myths of Meritocracy and Philosophical Culture
Ridha Chennoufi (Tunis, Tunisia)
Politische Krise und Kritik im historischen Kontext
James Conant (Leipzig, Germany)
Wittgenstein on the Interdependence of Sign and Symbol
Alice Crary (Oxford, United Kingdom)
Wittgenstein Does Critical Theory
Cora Diamond (Charlottesville, Virginia, USA)
Thinking about Naturalism and Pragmatism: Wittgenstein and Rorty
Eva-Maria Engelen (Konstanz, Germany)
Trust in Testimony
Ulrich Frank (Essen, Germany)
Language, Change and Possible Worlds: Philosophical Considerations of the Digital Transformation. An Essay on Methodological Challenges of Information Systems Research
Stephen Gardiner (Seattle, Washington, USA)
The Paradoxical Virtues of the Anthropocene
Anke Graneß (Hildesheim, Germany)
Zwischen ‚Politik der Feindschaft‘ und ‚parteilichem Kosmopolitismus‘. Achille Mbembe und Kwame A. Appiah im Dialog
Martin Gustafsson (Turku, Finland)
Wittgenstein, Austin, and the Distinction Between Illocutionary and Perlocutionary Acts
Sally Haslanger (Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA)
The Place of Social Ontology in Social Critique
Clare Heyward (Tromsø, Norway)
Is the Beneficiary Pays Principle Redundant?
Elisabeth Holzleithner (Vienna, Austria)
Crises of Liberal Democracy: A focus on Fear
Colin G. King (Providence, USA / Basel. Switzerland)
Truth in Voting
María Pía Lara (Mexico City, Mexico)
Revisiting the Concepts of Crisis and Critique
Sandra Laugier (Paris, France)
An anthropology of voice
Thijs Lijster (Groningen, The Netherlands)
Critical commons, or: how to regain steam
Eva Maria Maier (Vienna, Austria)
Zur aktuellen Krise von Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Ursachen und Symptome
Reinhard Merkel (Hamburg, Germany)
Humans, Cyborgs, Humanoid Robots: Challenges for Autonomy and Responsibility?
Ulrich Metschl (Innsbruck, Austria)
Epistemic Disagreement, Doubts, and Coherence
Katrin Meyer (Zurich, Switzerland)
Intersektionalität und die Bedingungen situierter Kritik
Lukas Meyer and Pranay Sanklecha (Graz, Austria)
Climate Justice. Why the Past Matters in Conflicting Ways
Susana Monsó (Vienna, Austria)
Is predation necessarily amoral?
Mélika Ouelbani (Tunis, Tunisia)
Der Status der Mathematik in der Philosophie Wittgensteins
Anne Reichold (Flensburg, Germany)
Varieties of Resentment
Marc Rölli (Leipzig, Germany)
Kapitalismus und Identität. Zur Dekolonisierung demokratischer Popularität
Yıldız Silier (Istanbul, Turkey)
Surplus Populations and Empowerment Through Radical Needs
Georg Siller (Innsbruck, Austria)
Hase oder Ente? Wittgensteins Aspektwechsel und Identitätspolitik
Ilse Somavilla (Innsbruck, Austria)
Der Verlust an Wahrhaftigkeit: Wittgensteins Kritik an Kultur und Wissenschaft der modernen Zivilisation
Thomas Wallgren (Helsinki, Finland)
After Sustainability: Freedom and Reason in the Age of Climate Alarmism
Karsten Weber (Regensburg, Germany)
Zivilgesellschaft als Mittel gegen Fake News und Hate Speech: Eine unbegründete Hoffnung
Eva Weber-Guskar (Göttingen, Germany)
Kritik an moralischer Kritik. Moralismus im Internet
Abstract | Announcement | IWS 2019 Invited Speakers and Titles | Poster (de) | Poster (en) | Poster Summerschool | Program | Registration Form Summerschool
Anne Siegetsleitner / Andreas Oberprantacher / Marie-Luisa Frick / Ulrich Metschl
Crisis and Critique: Philosophical Analysis and Current Events
Proceedings of the 42nd International Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg