31 July – 4 August 2018 in Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria
Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Mathematics
With: Juliet FLOYD (Boston) & Mathieu MARION (Montréal)
Scientific Organization and Direction: Volker A. MUNZ (Klagenfurt)
Conference Center:
Elementary school
Markt 300
A-2880 Kirchberg am Wechsel
Cf: Travel and Living.
Maximum number of participants: 40
Application deadline (registration and payment): 31 March 2018 (Later applications can unfortunately not be taken into account.)
Information concerning acceptance/non-acceptance: 30 April 2018 (Full reimbursement in case of non-acceptance)
Accommodation will be organized by the ALWS and is located just opposite the conference centre. Private booking possible.
Summer school participants are invited to join the 41st International Wittgenstein Symposium: Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics. Kirchberg am Wechsel, 5 – 11 of August 2018 at reduced fees.
250 Euro including conference participation (220 Euro for ALWS members)
210 Euro summer school only (180 Euro for ALWS members).
Summer school fees can be reimbursed only until 15 June 2018 (minus 20 Euro handling charge).
(Refunding of later cancellation: 125 Euro / 105 Euro; minus 20 Euro handling charge)
Payment of the fees includes:
* Free board and lodging during the summer school (dormitory)
* Certificate of participation (working load in ECTS points)
Required qualifications: The summer school is addressed to advanced university students in philosophy. Elementary knowledge of Wittgenstein’s philosophy is desirable. Applicants are asked to send a transcript record and a 3-page preparatory essay on a selected subject from Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Mathematics.
Reading List (selection)
- Brown Book, sections 33-43.
- Philosophical Investigations, 143-154, also especially 179-202.
- Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics, Parts I-II (including appendices).
- RPP I 1096.
- Maths in the TLP: §§ 6-6.031 & 6.2-6.241.
- Recursive proofs and the uniqueness rule for primitive recursive arithmetic: BT § 127, 129-130 & 133 (= PG part II, §§ 30, 32-33 & 36).
- Mathematical existence: BT §§ 121 & 123 (= PG part II, §§ 24 & 26).
- Intuitionism (to be discussed only in conjunction with previous topic): PR p. 176, 201-212, BT 487 (= PG, p 458) & LFM, 237.
- Identity and the logicist definition of natural numbers: WVC p. 164-165, PR § 118, BT § 118 (= PG, part II, § 21).
- Surveyability (to be discussed only in conjunction with previous topic): PR §103, AWL (Ambrose lecture notes), p. 146-153, LFM lectures XVI -XVII.
- Rule following: PI sections 185-242, Blue & Brown Books p. 11 bottom (last two lines) until p. 15 (included), language-game section 62 p. 112 and p. 162.
- Contradiction: WVC p. 119-136 & LFM (1939 lectures) p. 207 (bottom, when Turing speaks
Further details concerning preparation, programme, etc. will be announced.
Teaching language: English
For registration please click here to get the registration form.
You can download the poster, too.
Please send your application documents per regular mail to:
Volker A. Munz
Department of Philosophy
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
Universitaetsstrasse 65-67
Email. Volker.Munz@aau.at