6th – 9th of August 2014 in Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria
Some Central Problems in the Tractatus
With: Peter HACKER (Oxford), Joachim SCHULTE (Zurich)
Scientific Organization and Direction: Volker A. Munz (Klagenfurt)
You can download the poster with this link.
Maximum number of participants: 40
Application deadline (registration and payment): 30 March 2014 (Later applications can unfortunately not be taken into account.)
Information concerning acceptance/non-acceptance: 30 April 2014 (Full reimbursement in case of non-acceptance)
Summer school participants are invited to join the 37th International Wittgenstein Symposium: Analytical and Continental Philosophy: Methods and Perspectives. Kirchberg am Wechsel,
10 – 16 of August 2014 at reduced fees.
Required qualifications: The summer school is addressed to advanced university students in philosophy. Elementary knowledge of Wittgenstein’s philosophy is desirable. Applicants are asked to send a transcript record and a 3-page preparatory essay on a selected subject of the Tractatus
Further details concerning preparation (reading list), programme, etc. will be announced.
Teaching language: English