The ALWS wants to facilitate the participation at the Wittgenstein symposia by a differentiated fee-system with various possible reductions. The basic fee is 150 Euro (reduced to 100 € for ALWS members and subscribers to the Austrian daily newspaper DER STANDARD).
Payment must be received by May 1st if you intend to present a paper; otherwise the deadline for payment is July 20th. Payment can be made by money order or credit card.
For further information, please consult our Registration page.
The fees can be also reduced, on application,
- to 75 Euro (50 Euro for ALWS members) for persons from developing Countries, and for persons from Eastern Europe;
- to 37 Euro (25 Euro for ALWS members) for students from developing Countries or from Eastern Europe.
Reinbursement of registration fees
(1) For all those who submitted a paper:
(a) If the contribution was not accepted, the registration fees will be refunded in full.
(b) If the contribution has been accepted, a refund is only possible until mid-June.
The volume of contributions is published online in August. A lot of work (proofreading, final editing …) is involved with every submission. In addition, planning the programme (when will the lecture take place?) is also time consuming for the organising team. So if you cancel later than June 15th, a refund of the costs is no longer possible.
(2) For all those who do not give a lecture and are only registered as listeners, the deadline for a refund of the symposium fee is July 20th. A processing fee of EUR 20 (for Europe) or EUR 30 (for Africa, America, Asia, Australia and Oceania) will be deducted due to the return transfer costs incurred.
Your payment of the conference fee covers the receipt of the cultural program, a book of abstracts for all talks, the participation in all scientific events, our informal symposium opening party on Sunday evening, and the use of the shuttle service during the week. Not included are private consummations at the cafeteria.
Daily tickets for symposium visitors
For interested members of the public, we also offer one-day tickets to the symposium.
The fees for these are as follows:
One-day visitor pass
Regular price: 30 EUR
Reduced price for subscribers of DER STANDARD: 10 EUR
One-day student visitor pass
Regular price: 15 EUR
Reduced price for student subscribers of DER STANDARD: 5 EUR