Call for Papers

We would like to encourage you to participate in the 46th International Wittgenstein Symposium. If you want to present a paper please consult our Instructions for Authors. Before you send your paper to the organisers, please make sure that you have duly registered (see Registration). Please note especially:

  • Papers must be written in English or German.
  • Papers must be submitted for review via our system by March 2nd, 2025. (See: Submission Process)
  • Papers must not have been published or accepted for publication elsewhere.
  • The accepted papers will be published, provided you also attend the conference and present your paper.
  • The time slots for sections talks are 40 minutes, including a minimum of 10 minutes for discussion. Hence, only papers will be accepted that can be delivered within maximally 30 minutes (see: Instructions for Authors).
  • The publisher reserves the right to electronically publish or re-publish the accepted papers, including author’s contact information (email address), unless authors explicitly state their reservation.