August 2-6, 2022
Agency, Causation and Normativity
with Hans-Johann Glock (UZH, Zurich), & John Hyman (UCL, London)
Scientific Organisation and Direction: Volker A. Munz (AAU, Klagenfurt)
Studierende an einer österreichischen Universität haben die Möglichkeit, sich als „Mitbeleger*in“ für die Lehrveranstaltung zur 13. Wittgenstein Summer School „Agency, Causation, and Normativity“ an der Universität Klagenfurt zu inskribieren. Sie erhalten dann ein offizielles Zeugnis der Universität Klagenfurt.
Dazu bedarf es einer Registrierung unter:
Neben der Registrierung, die online erfolgen kann, bedarf es zudem eines aktuellen Studienblattes der eigenen österreichischen Universität. Das aktuelle Studienblatt ist per E-Mail an die Studien- und Prüfungsabteilung zu übermitteln (nach der Online Registrierung). Wer an einer Mitbelegung interessiert ist, sollte sich neben den üblichen Bewerbungsunterlagen ab 1. Februar 2022 bis spätestens 30. April 2022 (Ende der verlängerten Inskriptionsfrist für das Sommersemester 2022) registrieren und das aktuelle Studienblatt übermittelt haben. Mit dem zugewiesenen Benutzernamen und Passwort können Sie sich dann für die Lehrveranstaltung und die einzelnen Termine einschreiben.
Bei Rückfragen kontaktieren Sie bitte Lehrveranstaltungsleiter Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Volker A. Munz (Universität Klagenfurt) unter:
Conference Center:
Elementary school
Markt 300
A-2880 Kirchberg am Wechsel
Maximum number of participants: 40
Application deadline (registration and payment): April 30, 2022 (Later applications can unfortunately not be taken into account.)
Information concerning acceptance/non-acceptance: May 22, 2022 (Full reimbursement in case of non-acceptance)
Accommodation will be organised by the ALWS and is located just opposite the conference centre. Private booking possible.
Summer school participants are invited to join the 43rd International Wittgenstein Symposium: Platonism.
Kirchberg am Wechsel, August 7-13, 2022 at reduced fees.
250 Euro including conference participation (220 Euro for ALWS members)
210 Euro summer school only (180 Euro for ALWS members).
Summer school fees can be reimbursed only until June 15, 2022 (minus 20 Euro handling charge).
(Refunding of later cancellation: 125 Euro / 105 Euro; minus 20 Euro handling charge)
Payment of the fees includes:
• Free board and lodging during the summer school (dormitory)
• Certificate of participation (working load to the amount of 6 ECTS points)
Required qualifications:
The summer school is addressed to advanced university students in philosophy.
Elementary knowledge of Wittgenstein’s philosophy is desirable.
Applicants are asked to send a transcript record and a 3-page preparatory essay on a selected subject dealing with agency, causation, and/or normativity.
You can download this year’s poster here: Summer_school_A3_2022
You can download the registration form for 2022 here: Summer_School_2022_Registration
Syllabus of the 13th Ludwig Wittgenstein Summer School
August 3rd: Agency
1. Voluntary Action
(a) BB 150-157; PI §§611-28; Zettel §§577-600
(b) Hyman, Action, Knowledge, and Will, ch. 1.4 & ch. 4
2. Reasons and Causes
(a) BB pp. 14-15; L&C pp. 18-25; PI §§487-91
(b) Davidson, ‘Actions, Reasons and Causes’; Hyman, Action, Knowledge,
and Will, ch. 5
August 4th: Causation
3. The Origin of the Idea of Causation
(a) C&E (PO pp. 392-445)
(b) Strawson, Analysis and Metaphysics, ch. 9
4. Causation and Expression
(a) BB pp. 24-25; PI §§244-257, LW I, §§861-899
(b) Armstrong & Malcolm, Consciousness and Causality
August 5th: Normativity
5. Rules of Language
(a) TLP §§3.3-3.4, 6.124-6.126; BT ‘Grammar’; PI §§89-93, 353-373
(b) Schroeder, ‘Grammar and Grammatical Statements’, in: Glock & Hyman,
Blackwell Companion to Wittgenstein; Glock, ‘Meaning, Rules and
Conventions’, in: Levi & Zamuner, Wittgenstein’s Enduring Arguments
6. Agency and Normativity
(a) Lecture on Ethics; L&C p. 2; WWK pp. 68-69,116
(b) Hart, The Concept of Law, ch. 8; Crary, Beyond Moral Judgement, ch. 3; Glock, ‘Wittgensteinian Anti-anti-realism: one “anti” too many?’, Ethical
Perspectives 2015
August 6th: Presentations and Open Session